Hanna Andersson – Copywriter

Hanna Andersson LinkedIn 

Writer Hanna Andersson

The LinkedIck Podcast 

What does your business do?

I am a copywriter and creative writer who loves words and branding. Much of my work goes into interviewing and getting a feel of my clients to bring out their brand voice. Often they feel like they have to fit into a specific industry mould. I also provide a Social Media subscription service called Copy That where I provide ongoing social media content, mainly for LinkedIn. 

I am also the co-host of The LinkedIck Podcast – a podcast about LinkedIn and Networking. 

Who are your ideal customers and what is their pain point? 

I work with small businesses who understand the importance of communication, content, and branding. They often want to show up on LinkedIn and other Social Media but struggle to find the time and ways to stand out from the crowd. 

What differentiates your business? 

My interviewing skills and understanding what my clients would benefit the most from. And I get extremely excited about the business owners I get to work with! 

What is an insight that your customers should know? 

I also love connecting the people I work with with potential partners or clients. Bringing people together has always made me happy, and I continue to do so throughout us working together. 

Who are your ideal partners? 

I want to partner with businesses who are engaging and excited about their businesses. Those who want to get into the nitty-gritty of branding and who thrive when working with others. 

What is the next goal/milestone/priority for your business? 

To book projects that will last me for the rest of 2024. The dream is to know that I’ll have a lot of work to do all the way until December and fill my pipeline in a more sustainable way. 

What has been one of your recent lessons learned in business? 

How to invoice properly. Silly as I am, I have had a tendency to only invoice at the very end of every project, leaving me vulnerable if the client chooses to not follow through with the agreed project.